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Skin cancers are a really important health problem in our country where the sun shines abundantly.
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and protects us from all the damaging effects of the outside world. At the same time, it covers our body like a complete cover and creates a barrier against water loss and microbes.
Our skin consists of the Epidermis on the outside, the Dermis underneath and the subcutaneous tissue at the bottom. The thickness of the Epidermis and Dermis under the skin is 2-3 mm.
Especially with the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere, the harmful rays of the sun have reached our world more unprotected and caused an increase in skin cancers.
Additionally, nevi (moles) that are not treated with a small local intervention on time can also turn into skin cancer.
All moles all over your body that are black, swollen from the skin, bleed all the time, grow all the time, are mixed colored, have a white halo around them, have irregular edges, and are larger than 6 mm in diameter, regardless of their structure, should be removed and sent to pathology.
The treatment at this stage of moles that are neglected and then turn into "malignant melanoma", the worst skin cancer, is much more troublesome and troublesome.
In our practice, the treatment of all types of skin cancer and suspicious moles is carried out in accordance with scientific norms.
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